Dejadnos trabajar

Dejadnos trabajar.

Así de simple es mi reivindicación de hoy. 

El mensaje está dirigido a todos los analistas apocalípticos que vaticinan el desastre y que podemos leer en los periódicos continuamente. Les pido que dejen de infundir miedo a los clientes que, como consecuencia, bloquean sus proyectos. 

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2022-11-25 [Premio] Industry 4.0 Forum

Description On November 25, we were awarded a special mention at the Fòrum Indústria 4.0 Awards ceremony for the project “AI as a lever for cultural change” that we are carrying out with the company Lligats Metàl·lics, S.A. The project showcases that data, especially high-quality data, is the foundation of digital transformation, but the true … Read more

Everything will be software, software, and more software.

Do you remember my maxim: “Everything that can be software will end up being software”?
Well, today I want to share some news with you that will surely resonate with you. The director of Volkswagen in Spain states that their strategy for the future is based on: software, software, and more software.
And following this thread, talking about software, we inevitably come to Low Code / No Code (LC/NC) that I mentioned a few days ago.
In response to the questions and reactions I’ve received, I’ve decided to explain to you, in the form of a video, a demo to show you to what extent we can program without touching code.

Todo será software, software y más software

¿Te acuerdas de mi máxima: “todo lo que pueda ser software acabará siendo software”? 
Pues bien, hoy te quiero compartir una noticia que te va a resonar, seguro. La directora de Volkswagen en España asegura que su estrategia de cara al futuro se basa en: software, software y más software.
Y siguiendo este hilo, hablando de software llegamos inevitablemente al Low Code / No Code (LC / NC) del que te hablaba hace unos días. 
Ante las preguntas y reacciones que he recibido, me he decidido a explicaros, en forma de vídeo, una demo para que nos demos cuenta de hasta qué punto podemos programar sin necesidad de tocar código. 

Everything will be software: the jobs of the future.

I repeat it as a mantra: everything that can be software will end up being software. This idea, which you may have heard from me more than once, inevitably leads me to another idea: until recently, it was common for programmers to develop applications. For the rest, there were only two options: learn to program or hire a vendor. But this is changing. Let’s talk about the future now. Because in the face of this limiting idea, the concept of Low Code / No Code (LC/NC) comes into play. The future is already here.

Todo será software: los empleos del futuro

Lo repito a modo de mantra: todo lo que pueda ser software, acabará siendo software. Esta idea, que puede que me hayas oído más de una vez, me lleva inevitablemente a otra idea: hasta hace poco, lo habitual era que los programadores pudieran desarrollar aplicaciones. Para el resto, solo quedaban dos caminos: aprender a programar o contratar un proveedor. Pero esto está cambiando. Hablemos ahora de futuro. Porque ante esta idea limitante, entra en escena el llamado Low Code / No Code (LC/NC). El futuro ya está aquí. 

Free Internet Bar for your Children?

Let’s talk about screens. In particular, the use of screens by minors. This is certainly a subject of much debate. I imagine that, if you have children, you will have noticed this. Because one thing is undeniable: screens are part of their lives. Even if you don’t like it, that’s the way it is. And … Read more

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